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things to do before baby moves in

Things to do before your baby moves in

Organize and prepare your home a few weeks in advance of your baby’s arrival so you’re able to snuggle with your new family member as much as possible. Shop early for essentials — delivery dates are only an estimate. If you’re a mom-to-be in a nesting phase, use it to your advantage instead of wasting…

simplify laundry

How to simplify your laundry routine

Laundry … it’s tedious and non-ending and the last thing most of us want to do on a weekend. If it accumulates quickly, change your routine in order to keep up with the piles rather than catching up on weekends. Here are some tips to simplify and streamline laundry: Maybe life has thrown you the…

Good reasons for not buying things ahead

Good reasons for not buying things ahead of time

We all have things in our home that we have purchased for the future. These may be items for a new home, a project, or future children. They were probably on sale or simply caught your eye. It’s OK to think ahead and prepare for the future but sometimes we can get carried away and…

It's not the stuff that matters

It’s not the stuff in life that matters

“All you need is love,” according to The Beatles. It’s not the stuff that matters. In fact, owning less stuff will positively change your life.  Short on time? Save time, shop less. Stop acquiring more things that need to be laundered, dusted, organized, etc. Short on space? Make space by decluttering and donating your excess.…

Donation Box

How To Responsibly Donate Your Things To Charity

When I work with my clients, we come across many things they no longer want but aren’t interested in selling. I encourage clients to donate as much as possible to local charities versus throwing usable items into the trash. Since 2002, I’ve become more familiar with the items charities accept and the condition they should…

What does a professional organizer do and when should you consider hiring one?

Some people aren’t sure what professional organizers do. In short, get started organizing, make decisions when you’re stuck, and keep you focused. We won’t force you to throw anything out, and we don’t judge you. Bottom line, we help you accomplish an overwhelming task you may have been putting off for years. I enjoy my…


Lego Organizing Tips To Keep Them Off Your Floor

The iconic Lego bricks have been a long time childhood staple and provide hours of entertainment for kids of all ages. On the flip side, bare feet dislike them and they can be a bugger to organize. You may even feel guilty asking your kids to clean them up when they are in the middle…


Consider Eliminating These 5 Perfectly Good Things

  You own some nice, perfectly good stuff which translates into “super hard to part with.” If we hang onto every single perfectly good, useful item, even when they haven’t proven useful to us, our spaces will lose their spaciousness. A house filled with good stuff leaves little room for friends, family, and relaxation. Here…

electronic cords

Untangle and Organize Cords for Your Electronics

If your electronic cords and chargers are a tangled, unorganized mess you know how downright infuriating it can be when you need to find one. Sorting out the snarl every time you need to use one is also a big time waster. Take the time to label the end of every cord with the name…

Blog post title formatted for Pinterest - blue background

How to find your ideal home office space plus a peek inside a professional organizer’s office

  As a professional organizer, I’ve worked with clients who have called a variety of spaces their home offices. Common spaces like kitchen tables, nooks in bedrooms and sofas tend to be used more often as a workspace for household paperwork than a dedicated room equipped with a large desk and shelving. Clients are happy…


Weekend Mini-Organizing Challenge: Electronics Backup For Peace of Mind

Need some organizing motivation and inspiration, or a gentle nudge? Simply subscribe to my blog to receive mini-organizing challenges several weekends a month. They will be automatically emailed to you so you won’t have to remember to visit the blog. Mini-organizing challenges are doable and will focus on decluttering a tiny area of your home.  If the…


Organize and Tidy Your Bathroom

How did the bathroom counter become so cluttered? The cabinets and drawers a jumble of personal care items? Your bathroom is a heavily used room and in some homes, it’s small, with little storage.   Our bodies require some upkeep, but let’s be real about how many products we need and use. Old products and…