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9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #9

I really encourage you to avoid mistake #9 because nothing good will come of it. Mistake #9: Beating yourself up for making organizing mistakes.  Don’t give yourself a hard time for letting your house or office become unorganized or messy. Solution: We are human and we make mistakes.  Instead of dwelling on mistakes, say to…

9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #8

  Mistake #8:  Giving up.  You have a rough spell or life is just hard so you give up on organization or maintaining. Solution: Sometimes life happens, things don’t go as planned, we get sick, ect.   Sometimes we backslide into our old ways of doing things.  With any new habit it takes time, at least…

9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #7

Are you outgrowing your space?  You may be making mistake #7. Mistake #7:  Keeping too much.   More stuff requires more space and more of your time for maintenance.  If you are having a difficult time maintaining organization and out growing your space you might be keeping  too much stuff. Solution:  Be ruthless when sorting…

9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #6

Have you organized an area only to have it return back to it’s original state within days?  Mistake #6 might be the cause. Mistake #6:  Lack of systems Solution:  Systems will help you maintain the areas you have already organized.  Think of a system as a routine or procedure for maintaining the area.  You probably…

9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #5

Save yourself time and money by avoiding mistake #5. Mistake #5:  Purchasing containers before you begin organizing.  Let’s face it, it’s fun to shop for cute containers or buy them when they are on sale.  Most  of us have a stack of empty containers somewhere in our home, waiting to be put to use.  We…

9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #4

  There are 9 common organizing mistakes.  Previous posts focused on Mistake #1,  Mistake #2 and Mistake #3.  This post will cover mistake #4. Mistake #4:  Tackling too large of an area. Do you feel overwhelmed when looking at the photo above?  Where would you even begin? Solution #4: Break your large project into small…

9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #3

Organizing mistakes are common.  They may cost you valuable time, money and stress.  I covered Mistake #1 and Mistake #2 in previous posts.  Today we will look at Mistake #3. Mistake #3:  Perfection.  Does perfection prevent you from getting organized?  Do you think, “it won’t be perfect so why even try?” Solution #3:  Stop It! …

9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #2

Would you like to avoid common organizing mistakes?  I’d like to help you succeed by providing solutions to the 9 common organizing mistakes.  Today we will look at mistake #2.  Click here for mistake #1. Mistake #2:  Believing you will need to set aside a large chunk of time for your organizing project.  False!  You…

9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #1

Blunders, mishaps, and mistakes are all part of human nature.  They can also sabotage your organizing efforts.  I’ll share tips for organizing success by covering 9 common organizing mistakes over the next 9 blog posts. Mistake #1:  Not starting.  Waiting until someday.   Unfortunately “someday” is not a day of the week.  It’s not on any…

Essential Kitchen Organizing Tool #4

The 4th essential kitchen organizing tool is the Lazy Susan.  Check out the 1st, 2nd and 3rd essential kitchen tool blog posts.  I’m not sure about the history of it’s name but a Lazy Susan is a great addition to kitchen cabinets, pantries and refrigerators.   If you aren’t familiar with a Lazy Susan it’s a…

Essential Kitchen Organizing Tool #3

The canned goods, in my pantry, are visible.  Instead of hiding behind one another I can see the items in the back row and middle.  Am I some sort of magical, organizing genius?  I would like to say the answer is yes, but really all I did was purchase a tiered spice shelf and use…

Essential Kitchen Organizing Tool #2

Unclutter your pantry, kitchen cabinets and drawers with bins.  Bins are especially useful for holding a group of like items together. These are 2 bins in my pantry which contain snack foods.  We love carbs!               This is a photo of my odds and ends drawer in my kitchen.…