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[Day 23] Plastic Storage Containers: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Welcome back, it’s day 23 and we are definitely in the home stretch of this challenge. You are transforming your kitchen into a less cluttered space.  It must feel terrific. Today we will clear out plastic storage container clutter. Do you have a hard time keeping your plastic storage containers under control? It might be…

[Day 22] Junk Drawer: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Day 22, the dreaded junk drawer.  Do you have more than one junk drawer? Let’s clear them out so they are no longer dreadful. You will be happier the next time you open them. Junk drawers have been around since the beginning of junk.  Where else would you put stuff that doesn’t have a home?…

[Day 21] Flatware/Silverware Drawer: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Day 21 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out is all about the flatware/silverware drawer.  I happen to call mine silverware, even though it doesn’t require polishing and it was purchased at Target. Most kitchens have one drawer with a divided tray to hold silverware. The tray may also contain clutter, in addition to your silverware,…

[Day 20] Mail: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Hello to Day 20 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out!  Mail and other papers can be a huge source of clutter in our kitchens, so it’s about time we address it. I’ve seen it in every kitchen I’ve organized……piles of mail and paper.  You are soooo not alone if you suffer from too much paper…

[Day 19] Coupons: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

It’s Day 19 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out.  If you are a coupon user, then you might have coupon clutter in your kitchen.   I’m not much of a grocery coupon user at this point in my life even though extreme coupon clipping is HOT right now. If you don’t use grocery coupons you…

[Day 18] Recipes: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Welcome to Day 18 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out. Our focus is on recipes.  I’m talking about recipe cards, recipes you’ve torn out of magazines, and recipes printed off the internet. Most of us collect A LOT of recipes. You are not alone if you have piles of recipes you’ve saved. Those piles are…

[Day 17] Cookbooks: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

We are at Day 17.  It’s a great day for clearing out cookbook clutter.  Who loves cookbooks?  I do! Even though I don’t like to cook, I really enjoy cookbooks! Go figure. Find all of your cookbooks (they may not just be in your kitchen) so you will know how many you have. I’ll wait…

[Day 16] Grocery Bags: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

It’s Day 16, we are half-way through the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out.  Whoo, hoo, are you getting into the organizing groove? Put your purging hat back on, we are talkin’ grocery bags today. Plastic, paper, and re-usable bags.  Why must we keep so many?  Why do we allow them to take up so much space?…

[Day 15] Medicines and Vitamins: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

It’s good to have you back here for the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out!  I frequently see medicines/vitamins stored in my client’s kitchens. We are going to de-clutter that area today. Kitchens are convenient places for medicine/vitamin storage because it’s in a central location and some pills are to be taken with food.  These items need occasional…

[Day 14] Spices: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Hello, and welcome to day 14 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out. Spices are our focus today. Are you a spice lover or someone that finds it hard to resist a new jar of seasoning? Spices can easily get out of control.  If you love to cook and you have a lot of spices, they…

[Day 13] Flower Vases: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Welcome back, it’s day 13 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out!  Vases are the focus for today.  Where do you store your flower vases?   If your storage cabinet is getting a bit cramped and you want to clear it out, read on. Go to your flower vase storage area and start pulling them out.…

[Day 12] Cooking Utensils: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Welcome to day 12 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out, Cooking Utensils.   How many drawers of cooking utensils do you have?  More than one or two?  Can you find the utensils you want when you want to use them? Today might be a fine day to simplify and streamline your utensils. This is my…