[Day 16] Grocery Bags: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

It’s Day 16, we are half-way through the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out.  Whoo, hoo, are you getting into the organizing groove? Put your purging hat back on, we are talkin’ grocery bags today.


Plastic, paper, and re-usable bags.  Why must we keep so many?  Why do we allow them to take up so much space?

I have to admit that I keep all my paper bags.  In addition, I have friends save their paper grocery bags for me.  Am I a bag hoarder? Well, sort of.  I use a lot of paper bags when I organize.  They hold recyclables, donations and shredding.

recycling and shredding from office_resize

Are you keeping too many bags?  Round them up and we will clear some out.

I know, I know, it’s hard to let go of bags, but we can’t keep them all.  They take up so much darn room!

Set a limit to the number of bags you will keep and recycle the rest.  Food pantries may need all types of bags.  Check with your local pantries if you would like to donate yours. Goodwill will also take grocery bags for donation.

Use a container or a box to hold the bags.  When the container fills, do not keep another bag.

Do you use plastic grocery bags as small trash can liners?  Store a few at the bottom of all your trash cans.  When you empty the trash you won’t have to hunt down a new can liner.

How many times have you forgotten to take your reusable cloth bags with you?  Tuck your reusable cloth bags insideone of the bags and keep them in your car so they are handy the next time you shop.




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