[Day 21] Flatware/Silverware Drawer: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Day 21 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out is all about the flatware/silverware drawer.  I happen to call mine silverware, even though it doesn’t require polishing and it was purchased at Target.


Most kitchens have one drawer with a divided tray to hold silverware. The tray may also contain clutter, in addition to your silverware, so let’s begin clearing the clutter out.

  • Remove the tray/bins from the drawer as well as all the extra utensils and knives.
  • Wipe out the drawer.
  • Evaluate the items you removed from the drawer.  Do you use corn holders or can they be donated?  What about the curly straws? Are they difficult to clean?  Dump them.  Are there too many knives?  How about the twist ties, grapefruit peelers, and plastic utensils?  Do you really need them? Keep your favorites. Be ruthless and don’t overthink the process.
  • Clean out the tray/bins.
  • Put away the utensils you decided to keep.

What is the strangest item found in your silverware drawer?  Can you guess the function of the strange item in the photo?

Did you find one of these?





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