
A Spring Scavenger Hunt to Clear Your Space

  I don’t know about you but I am not a fan of winter. I feel like a whole new person once I start seeing signs of spring. With the warmer weather comes a desire to clean and declutter our homes in anticipation of the spring season. Why not make it a bit more fun?…

Downsizing when it gets emotional

Downsizing is emotional for humans. You might feel bad about letting things go but your stuff doesn’t care whether you keep them around, toss, recycle or donate them to the nearest thrift store. Acknowledging this might make the downsizing process a bit easier. We have to feel the feelings, deal with them, and heal our…

Are you hanging onto things because you don’t want to get rid of them?

Common Reasons We Hang On To Things I don’t want to let it go! I can’t just give it away. It’s worth something. Who would want it? This is hard! Are you hanging onto things because you’re telling yourself that you CAN’T give them up? There’s no shame in this. It’s emotional. No one likes…

My client’s bed wasn’t sleeping in her bed

Her bed was completely buried beneath clutter.  My client was dealing with physical and emotional challenges besides an overwhelming amount of bedroom clutter. She couldn’t sleep in her bedroom because clutter had completely taken over the room (I’ve seen this situation countless times; I couldn’t wait to help).  It had become an area to stash…

Who hasn’t decluttered by accident?

  Those moments of unplanned, spontaneous decluttering can be very productive. You had no intention of decluttering but there you are sorting and discarding by happenstance (I’ve always wanted to use that word). I’ve had this happen in my garden when I spot a weed while admiring a bloom.  Thirty minutes later I’ll notice I…

How to make decisions based on truth not fear

The decision-making process, or determining what to keep and what not to keep, is fundamental to the organizing process. Many things are kept because of good intentions but when the truth be told, it was kept knowing it would never be used, looked at again or even thought about. Do these situations sound familiar? You’ve…

How to declutter and decide to let go with confidence

Decisions are easy……said no one! As you declutter and downsize, you’ll be faced with lots of decisions. I’ve created a list for you to refer to when you’re undecided or you feel stuck. Use this list to guide you and help you let go of your excess things.   Toss, recycle, donate or sell the item…

3 vital organized habits you need to adopt to live a more organized life

Uncover the organized person within you. Believe it or not, we are all capable of living a more organized life. I’m going to reveal three vital organizing practices I teach my clients that may encourage you to embrace better habits. 1. Edit your possessions until they fit their intended space. When everything fits into your available…

How to downsize and declutter without being ruthless

As a professional organizer, I’ve often used the expression “be ruthless.” My clients and those who follow me are urged to be ruthless while decluttering and making decisions about stuff. After discovering the true definition of ruthless is uncaring, cruel, and cold-blooded, I’m now hesitant to use it. Let’s focus on a kinder expression while…

It’s not the stuff in life that matters

“All you need is love,” according to The Beatles. It’s not the stuff that matters. In fact, owning less stuff will positively change your life.  Short on time? Save time, shop less. Stop acquiring more things that need to be laundered, dusted, organized, etc. Short on space? Make space by decluttering and donating your excess.…

Consider Eliminating These 5 Perfectly Good Things

  You own some nice, perfectly good stuff which translates into “super hard to part with.” If we hang onto every single perfectly good, useful item, even when they haven’t proven useful to us, our spaces will lose their spaciousness. A house filled with good stuff leaves little room for friends, family, and relaxation. Here…

De-clutter your way to organization

De-cluttering your home will result in a more organized home.  We all have too much stuff.  Even the professional organizer has too much stuff!  I’m constantly de-cluttering and putting things back where they belong to maintain an organized home. Just imagine if we pared down our belongings by a third! We will have less to…