case studies

You are capable of doing hard stuff

This is hard! That’s what my client repeatedly stated as she sorted out a bin. I’m not going to deny this. Making decisions and dealing with stuff is hard. She didn’t quit though. I held space for her and oozed support. I listened without interrupting.   Bit by bit, the decisions were made and she…

My client’s bed wasn’t sleeping in her bed

Her bed was completely buried beneath clutter.  My client was dealing with physical and emotional challenges besides an overwhelming amount of bedroom clutter. She couldn’t sleep in her bedroom because clutter had completely taken over the room (I’ve seen this situation countless times; I couldn’t wait to help).  It had become an area to stash…

You won’t believe what turns up while decluttering with clients

Has clutter concealed money in your home? You’ll find out once you start sorting through your papers, boxes, and piles. My clients have discovered thousands of dollars hidden among clutter in their homes. People are thrilled when we find sizable checks they thought were lost forever. We’ve also found loose change and bills. We once…

I Love It When My Clients Make These Statements

I enjoy working with clients and seeing them benefit from their hard work and focus. There are three phrases clients regularly exclaim that prove organization is worth the effort. 1. “That’s where that is, I’ve been looking all over for it!” This exclamation is music to my organizing ears. Clients are super excited and relieved…

A client makes an unconventional decision

Deferred decisions or the lack of decisions tend to cause disorganization, clutter, and chaos!  Think about it, if you don’t make a decision about whether to keep something, decide where to put things, decide on commitments/activities to participate in, decide to maintain organization, or decide to ask for help you aren’t going to change your…