decision making

It’s okay to donate your nice things

  I’ve heard my clients say this more than once…….”Jill, this is too nice to give away!” My response is, “yes, that’s a nice __________, but here’s the thing, thrift stores LOVE nice things.” Clients often believe they should sell their items rather than donate them because it feels wasteful and they want to recoup some…

My client’s bed wasn’t sleeping in her bed

Her bed was completely buried beneath clutter.  My client was dealing with physical and emotional challenges besides an overwhelming amount of bedroom clutter. She couldn’t sleep in her bedroom because clutter had completely taken over the room (I’ve seen this situation countless times; I couldn’t wait to help).  It had become an area to stash…

A client makes an unconventional decision

Deferred decisions or the lack of decisions tend to cause disorganization, clutter, and chaos!  Think about it, if you don’t make a decision about whether to keep something, decide where to put things, decide on commitments/activities to participate in, decide to maintain organization, or decide to ask for help you aren’t going to change your…

Make a decision

Your house fills up with stuff, your calendar fills up with commitments, and your papers pile up waiting for the next action.  Deferred decisions, lack of decisions, and procrastination are all causes of clutter.  Start making decisions and you will discover a solution for clutter, piles, and too much stuff.   Purchasing decisions:  Before you…