Organize Your Holiday Stuff

Happy New Year!


Have you taken down your decorations?  My tree is still up….. for now.

After the holidays, it’s super tempting to throw all your holiday decorations, wrapping supplies and dishes into a box or closet and forget about it until next year.

Do yourself a favor and organize it all before putting it away.  This will save you time and frustration next year when you want to find it and use it again.   Here are 3 things to do before putting away your holiday items.

1. Donate decorations you no longer want or use.  Why let it take up precious space in your home?  Pass it onto another family who could use some holiday cheer.  Most local charities will take these items year-round.  Toss or recycle the lights that no longer work and you’ve been meaning to fix for the last decade. (do I know you or what?)

2. Take inventory of your wrapping supplies.  Toss the torn gift bags and crumpled bows.  Fold up all the Christmas gift bags and store them inside one of the largest bags or inside a paper grocery bag.  Categorize all the other gift bags and do the same.  Do you have more gift bags than you want or even some you do not like?  Those may be donated to a charity also.

3. While packing up holiday dishes, mugs, glasses and linens, take stock of the items you haven’t used in ages and consider letting them go to a charity.  I know they are C.U.T.E. and it’s hard to let them go, but they require a lot of work to pack, unpack and find space to store.

Use less storage space, eliminate clutter and share with others, while organizing your holiday items.

What holiday stuff did you let go?

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