Weekend Mini-Organizing Challenge: Empty Jars

weekend_challenges Need some organizing motivation and inspiration, or a gentle kick in the rear:) Subscribe to receive mini-organizing challenges several weekends a month. They will be automatically emailed to you so you won’t have to remember to visit the blog. Mini-organizing challenges are doable and will focus on de-cluttering a tiny area of your home.

If the weekend challenge “speaks” to you, then set your timer for 30 minutes and start organizing/de-cluttering. Stop when the timer goes off and enjoy the rest of your weekend knowing that you accomplished something! Of course you may continue organizing if you have gained the momentum you were looking for.

Mini Challenge: Empty Jars

Mason jars for ciderWho doesn’t save empty jars for “someday?” You see the potential in every beautiful jar. They could hold food you preserve or provide containers for buttons and other small items. When is the last time you preserved food? (was that in another life?) Have you kept too many empty jars? Do you need the space they are occupying for items you use more often?

Choose a few to save in the sizes your prefer. Recycle the rest. Relocate the jars you have saved to the basement, garage or pantry if you want to free up cabinet space for other items. Empty jars can multiply and eat up kitchen space without us even realizing it happened.



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