
Dealing with Junk Mail

Junk mail, ugh! There has got to be a solution because it sure creates paper chaos. Sometimes you feel so buried you can’t even deal with it.  Learn the steps you can easily take to reduce junk mail here, at Organizing Made Fun.   Master your mail today!

[Day 20] Mail: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

Hello to Day 20 of the Kitchen Clutter Clear Out!  Mail and other papers can be a huge source of clutter in our kitchens, so it’s about time we address it. I’ve seen it in every kitchen I’ve organized……piles of mail and paper.  You are soooo not alone if you suffer from too much paper…

Too many donation requests from charities?

If you have donated to charitable organizations in the past you probably receive several donation requests in your mailbox every week.  Did you know some charities sell, share or rent your information with other charities?  It’s confusing and time consuming to keep up with the solicitations.  You wonder, didn’t I donate to this charity already?…

Organizing Memories

Everyone has mementos from the past.  If you have children you may have even more mementos from their past. We sorted through our daughter’s mementos this summer, before she headed off to college for her freshman year. Unfortunately we didn’t eliminate many memories from her box but we enjoyed looking through them. Tips for organizing…

Shred it and forget it

Do you own a paper shredder?  Every house should have one unless you are willing to tear your personal papers into itsy bitsy pieces or burn your papers. Identity theft is very real.  Once your identity is stolen, it’s difficult and costly to restore your credit and reputation.  I’d like to help you protect your…