basement organizing

Start Tackling Basement Clutter Without Freaking Out

  Homeowners in the Midwest are fortunate to have additional living and storage space in our basements. Basements can also be the most cluttered space in our homes because they are a super convenient area to squirrel away things we are undecided about. But basements have limits, and even though the clutter is hidden, it…

You’re Gonna Want To Do This First

Who doesn’t love the container aisle with their lovely selection of useful tubs?  So much potential, so many different options.  You may salivate over the containers thinking they are the {easy} answer to all your clutter woes. Hold up there my organizing friends.  I  have {possibly} unwelcoming but money saving news for you.  You’ve gotta…

Organizing a Basement Storage Closet

My husband, Doug, enjoys hunting, fishing and camping.  Can you tell by his storage closet?  He is fortunate to have this large space in our basement to hold his equipment.   Doug is an organized guy and he has creative ideas for storing his equipment.  You can see in the two  “before” photos that he knows…