[Day 1] Fridge Door: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out

I’d love to help you get your kitchen in order with my series—31 Day Kitchen Clutter Clear Out.

I will focus on one, very small, kitchen area, every day.  

Once you have read the daily post and decide it’s an area that needs de-cluttering, simply set an alarm for 30 minutes and follow my directions in the blog post.


Our focus for Day 1 is the door of your fridge—as well as it’s sides.

When you walk into your kitchen, it’s hard not to notice your fridge, especially if it’s covered with clutter.

  • Remove all the magnets, papers, and photos.
  • Wipe down the surfaces.
  • Sort the papers and toss papers for events that have passed, coupons that have expired, drawings that are crumpled,  and photos that are no longer of interest.
  • Be ruthless.
  • Return as little as possible to your fridge surface.  Toss the flyers and enter their dates and contact information into your phone or calendar.   Keep the magnets to a minimum.  Less is more.

My fridge has a dry erase board on the front.  I look at it frequently so I will know where I have to be and what I have to do each day.  There are also 2 yoga studio’s schedules clipped to my fridge.  I refer to these on a daily basis and it’s nice to have them visible.


You will immediately notice a difference in your kitchen once you clean off your fridge.





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