Short and Sweet Decluttering Opportunities


Most days we encounter several short periods of time when our life is on pause while we wait for something to happen.

Enjoy these breaks or use them as an opportunity to de-clutter or organize a very small area.  Think of these   short  and sweet  decluttering sessions as fun-sized—-like mini-candy bars.

Waiting for someone while sitting in your car is your chance to…

• De-clutter your glove box.

• Organize the console.

• De-clutter between the front seats or under the seats.

• De-clutter your purse or wallet.

Sitting in a waiting room for an appointment might be the perfect time to…

• Create a to-do list.

• Catch up on reading your mail, especially your magazines and newsletters.

• Pay bills either online with a smartphone or write out checks.

• Subtract debit purchases from your checkbook register.

Waiting in line at the store is an excellent opportunity to…

• Delete or edit contacts in your phone.

• Delete emails or apps if you have a smartphone.

• Return text messages.

• Check for phone messages.

• Sort store coupons.

Take advantage of time spent waiting at kids’ practices or lessons and…

• Bring a pile of mail and sort it out.

• Go through old receipts and toss or tear them up.

• Return phone calls if you aren’t disturbing people around you.

• Delete old photos on your phone or digital camera.

• Mend clothing.

• Create a menu plan for the week and make a grocery list.

• Sort recipes you have printed and saved.

• Fill up your gas tank or have the oil changed.

What task will you work on the next time you are waiting?

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