7 Powerful Habits That Will Help You Stay Organized


Sometimes I get surprised looks when I tell others that my home doesn’t stay organized on it’s own.  I have to work at it like anyone else.  That being said, staying organized is a piece of cake…….if you adopt these 7 powerful habits.

1. I will put things away after using them.

2. I will regularly edit my stuff.

3. Before purchasing something, I will ask myself ….where will I store it and do I even like it?

4. I will shop less and use a list.

5. I will foster gratitude for what I have instead of wanting more.

6. I will toss junk mail immediately.

7. I will spend 15 minutes a day clearing surfaces of clutter.

If staying organized is important to you, then adopt these habits.  You will be relieved when you don’t have to spend hours re-organizing your house again and again.

Which habit will you adopt first?

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