Weekend Organizing Challenge: Winter Outerwear


Need some organizing motivation and inspiration, or a gentle nudge? Subscribe to my blog to receive mini-organizing challenges several weekends a month. They will be automatically emailed to you so you won’t have to remember to visit the blog.

Mini-organizing challenges are doable and will focus on de-cluttering a tiny area of your home.  If the weekend challenge “speaks” to you, then set your timer for 30 minutes and start organizing/de-cluttering. Stop when the timer goes off and enjoy the rest of your weekend knowing that you accomplished something!  Of course you may continue organizing if you have gained the momentum you were looking for.


Mini-Challenge: Winter Outerwear

It’s the end of April and hopefully it’s safe to edit and put away the winter outerwear….depending on how far north your live.

Go to your entry closet, mudroom or where ever you hang the heavy winter coats.  Edit and donate the stuff that won’t fit your kids next season or wash and store them for the fall.  Same goes for hats, mittens, snowpants and boots.  If you live in an area that has a fall outerwear collection for the needy you would like to support, then bag or box them up, label the container and mark  your calendar to remind you to watch for notices about these collections.


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