9 Organizing Mistakes to Avoid, Mistake #2

Would you like to avoid common organizing mistakes?  I’d like to help you succeed by providing solutions to the 9 common organizing mistakes.  Today we will look at mistake #2.  Click here for mistake #1.

Mistake #2:  Believing you will need to set aside a large chunk of time for your organizing project.  FalseYou can organize in short spurts.  In fact, it’s good to take breaks.

Solution #2:  Block off 1 hour to get started or if that is too daunting, set a timer for 15 minutes.  When your time is up, you may walk away.  Reward yourself for your progress, no matter how big or small of an area.   You may have even gained momentum and want to keep right on organizing .  Imagine that!

Has this belief stopped you from getting started?  Set your timer right now and GO!



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