Just for today…

Organization requires changing your habits and routines.   Have you ever heard the expression, “if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten?”

Do you want to develop better organizing habits but it just seems too hard and too overwhelming to change the way you do things?

I’d like you to say this at the beginning of your day: “Just for today I will __________.”  Insert the one habit you are going to focus on that day.  Maybe it means putting away something when you are finished with it, only checking email at 3 designated times during the day, setting your keys in the same spot when you walk in the door, sorting your mail and tossing the junk mail immediately, or whatever habit you have been wanting to cultivate.

See how you feel at the end of the day.  Did it feel good to have more time, less clutter and less frustration because you weren’t looking for things, wasting time checking email every few minutes, or creating more clutter by not putting things away?  Baby steps will lead to lasting changes.

What will you just for tomorrow?  Please share your one thing in the comments section.

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