[Day 10] Pot Holders/Hot Pads: Kitchen Clutter Clear Out




You may call them pot holders or possibly hot pads.  How ever you refer to these burn prevention inventions, it’s time to de-clutter their drawer for Day 10 of the 31 Day Kitchen Clutter Clear Out.

What is the state of your pot holder drawer?  If it’s full and a bit difficult to close then now is the time to clear some of those pot holders out.

If you are feeling stuck and undecided, my tips below may help you make good decisions.

  • Toss the pot holders that are badly stained (the ones you have washed and still don’t look any cleaner).
  • Toss the pot holders that aren’t doing their job because they aren’t quite thick enough.
  • Trivets could also be cleared out today.  If these are in your pot holder drawer, sort and clear out trivets you rarely use or do not like.

You should be left with pot holders that do their job, trivets you like and a drawer that easily closes.

I took a photo of one of my pot holders that needs to go into the trash.  It’s actually an oven mitt.  I never use it, (although it looks used) I’ve had it for at least 20 years, and I’ve only kept it because the idea of an oven mitt seems practical.   This mitt takes too much time to put on my hand vs. a pad I just grab.  I tossed it (too many stains to donate) and have more room in the drawer.


Check out other storage options for you pot holders here and here.  Be sure to store them near your stove for quick access!




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