It’s not the stuff in life that matters

It's not the stuff that matters

“All you need is love,” according to The Beatles. It’s not the stuff that matters. In fact, owning less stuff will positively change your life.  Short on time? Save time, shop less. Stop acquiring more things that need to be laundered, dusted, organized, etc. Short on space? Make space by decluttering and donating your excess.…

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Organize and Tidy Your Bathroom

How did the bathroom counter become so cluttered? The cabinets and drawers a jumble of personal care items? Your bathroom is a heavily used room and in some homes, it’s small, with little storage.   Our bodies require some upkeep, but let’s be real about how many products we need and use. Old products and…

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How Timers Can Help You Organize

My colleague, Ellen Delap, incoming president of the National Association of Professional Organizers is a guest blogger for this post.  Thank you Ellen! My Organizing Obsession: Timers It may not surprise you about my obsession with timers.  A timer is a vital tool for time management. It’s a monitoring device as well as an accountability…

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The Less Obvious Costs of Clutter


Clutter is costly, especially if it has caused you to lose checks/gift cards/money and resulted in added late fees. These are the more apparent monetary costs of clutter. There are other costs that are less obvious but still harmful. A poor credit score due to a late or missed bill payment. Switch to automatic bill…

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Weekend Mini-Organizing Challenge: Spice Storage

Need some organizing motivation and inspiration, or a gentle nudge?  Simply subscribe to my blog to receive mini-organizing challenges several weekends a month.  They will be automatically emailed to you so you won’t have to remember to visit the blog. Mini-organizing challenges are doable and will focus on decluttering a tiny area of your home.…

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Weekend Mini-Organizing Challenge: Belts

Need some organizing motivation and inspiration, or a gentle nudge?  Simply subscribe to my blog to receive mini-organizing challenges several weekends a month.  They will be automatically emailed to you so you won’t have to remember to visit the blog. Mini-organizing challenges are doable and will focus on decluttering a tiny area of your home.…

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It’s Okay if You Don’t Send Holiday Cards

Sending Christmas or other holiday cards to family and friends is a wonderful tradition but it can also be overwhelming, time consuming and not so enjoyable for some of us (including me). This tradition can be simplified if you want to continue sending cards but are finding it more and more difficult to find the…

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4 Simple Steps to a Clutter-Free Thanksgiving

Hosting Thanksgiving dinner in a few weeks? Don’t panic. It’s possible to organize four key areas of your home before Thanksgiving without organizing every hour of every day. Front entrance or porch: Make your home more inviting for your guests. Sweep the cobwebs away from your front door and sweep the porch. Give the welcome…

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Do Professional Organizers Have Perfect Homes?

Professional organizers are fairly normal, lead normal lives and some even have messy homes. Clients ask me about the state of my house. Is it perfectly organized? Are all of my containers and shelves labeled? Is my clothing organized by color? The answer is NO. Even though I’m passionate about organization and enjoy helping others…

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